temporary Restraining Order

How Does a Temporary Restraining Order Work?

You might be familiar with a TRO or temporary restraining order from many movies or shows. A victim, typically of harassment, assault, or domestic violence, among others, gets a TRO against the perpetrator. A defense attorney helps the offender address the need for a TRO against them.

What is a Temporary Restraining Order?

A temporary restraining order is a civil and court order that aims to keep the perpetrator away from the victim so that the latter can avoid further harm from the former. This order will not give any criminal record to the perpetrator.

The TRO may cover physical contact as well as the victim’s home, place of work, or any other establishment. The judge will determine how far the offender should be away from the person or these places. Taking advantage of legal service in Honolulu, Hawaii will also help in this situation.

A temporary TRO usually lasts for a short time. In most states, the duration is to 10 days. If the perpetrator violates the order, the police can arrest them.

Who can get a TRO?

Victims of domestic violence are typically the ones requesting for restraining orders. These are those who suffer from domestic abuse from a spouse or a household member, whether former or present.

Myles S. Breiner At Attorney at Law – A Law Corporation, we want to make sure that you get peace of mind. By offering you criminal defense in Hawaii, our legal team will represent you against domestic violence charges and TRO situations. Call us at (808) 219-0880 today for assistance!
